Ok, this is not me, it’s my little guy. I know this is supposed to be all about me. But I could not find a picture of me that I liked and quite frankly I like this one.
My kids and I go riding a lot and we have been able to make some great memories together. You can see all about what we are up to on the Home page or on my blog.
Hey there, I’m Hank.
I have been riding ATVs since I was eight (Honda 110 3-wheeler). Snowmobiles since I was 12 (John Deere Liquifire 440), and side by sides for the last 10 years (mostly Polaris).
I love riding anything with a motor off-road. As a kid, I lived in the country and would spend literally all day during the summer on my Suzuki 230 Quad Sport.
Thankfully, my mom made me wear a helmet. I rolled, flipped, and crashed that machine more times than I can count.
I broke the shock, light, fenders, handlebars, and ultimately threw the chain and it blew a hole in the crankcase.
Fast forward many years and I have my own kids that are riding with me. I have owned many ATVs over the years, but I now spend most of my time on my 2022 Polaris General 4 XP 1000 Ride Command Edition. It is the second General I have owned.
I have ridden many other fabulous machines, but the General 4-seater works for me. We do mainly trail and mud riding. The deeper the mud the better. I also use it for some utility, plowing, and ice fishing.
I need the 4-seater so I can take the family when we go riding. I also need the box and utility aspect of the General when I am ice fishing or plowing snow in the winter.
I am not using it on a farm or ranch, so I don’t need a machine that is completely utility like a John Deere Gator or a Polaris Ranger. But I do use it for some utility, so I don’t want something made purely for sport like a Polaris RZR or Can-Am Maverick. Although I have driven those machines and they are a LOT of fun!
Anyway, this site is intended to be about all the things you can enjoy outdoors on some form of an off-road machine. It’s what I love to do, and I hope you do too.
Enough about me. Thanks for reading.